NCLEX Review - How To Make Your Review Easy And Stress-Free

The NCLEX RN test created by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing is one of the most coveted yet also one of the most dreaded professional licensure exams. As such, there's a good chance for you to become extremely stressed during the NCLEX RN review.
During your NCLEX review, you might attempt to memorize everything, and maybe even force yourself to remain awake for long hours just to cover all of the topics. Then, you'd become too stressed that you'd end up drained and worn-out. The worst that can happen is falling asleep during the exam!
These are absolutely unacceptable. These are the reasons why making your review stress-free is important to both your RN study success and most importantly-to your health.
Steer Clear From Cramming And Stress
While normal or minimal stress can actually improve your brain function, exposing yourself to prolonged hours of stress can be detrimental to your body. At the onset, you might think you're absorbing more when you're cramming. Sooner or later, your body begins to deteriorate, making it extremely difficult to remember or comprehend.
In fact, recent studies reveal that students who chose to remain awake for long hours had lower GPAs than those who didn't. That's why to secure a nursing license, stress and cramming must have no room in your NCLEX RN review.
Stress-busting NCLEX Study Tips
Having a stress-free NCLEX RN review isn't impossible.
Here's what you need to do in order to keep stress at minimum while still maximizing your learning:

  1. Get a big calendar.Planners will do but big calendars will be more effective in getting your attention.
  2. Mark DAY 1 of your NCLEX review. This will help you in restructuring your review perspectives. Make sure you've settled your thoughts before this day comes.
  3. Mark the EXAM DATE.Like athletes, you'd feel more motivated to keep moving forward when you can see the finish line. This will push you to do more and force you to remain focused during your review.
  4. At each week, choose just ONE day that will serve as your free day. In these days, you must NOT study. These are the days when you can go to the mall, watch a movie or do whatever makes you feel happy and not feel guilty about it.
  5. Make a topic outline of all the subjects that you need to include in your NCLEX review.
  6. Assign topics for a specific date and apportion them accordingly. For each date, make sure that you can cover all of the topics listed in a maximum of 12 hours-not 24 hours!
  7. Two to three days before the exam date must be scheduled for answering test practice questions. In these days, you must already be prepared and confident to take the test. Answering NCLEX study questions will improve your test-taking accuracy.
  8. Finally, stick to your NCLEX study plan.Give your plan a chance to work by actually doing it.

Stop Waiting And Start Acting!
So, if you're planning on having a fruitful NCLEX RN review, stop exploring options and start your NCLEX review today! Follow these stress-busting tips to make sure you get the most out of your NCLEX review without undue stress while still enjoying optimum results.
You can start by finding great HESI study guides and visiting seasoned NCLEX review centers or by asking past test-takers for their comments and suggestions. Always take your NCLEX RN review seriously. Visit for more study tips and other relevant NCLEX review guides that will surely catapult you to NCLEX RN success!
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